Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Day 4 - Blue Balls & Traffic

I'd intended on posting a picture of Mikeal at his first wrestling practice, but I left the camera at home so this is what you get....A picture of the back of a car I was forced to follow through 20 miles of a detour last week. The car is a station wagon, on 26" rim tires. From the back bumper there is a pair of rubber blue balls just a-swingin'.

What was up with the need for a detour? This :
Just on the other side of the furthest visible hill there was an accident...a head-on collision in which at least one of the vehicles involved was sitting on it's top at the bottom of a ravine that they had to get out. There was also 4 subsequent, not as serious wrecks as a result of the original wreck. The collision took place while visibility was almost ZILCH because of the rain, speed limit in this area is 55mph, but hardly anyone pays attention to such things. This maybe 2 mile back-up, as I was maybe 20 minutes behind the original wreck...yes it took 15-20 minutes for this much traffic to build up...ended up with us being redirected... Down 20 miles of flooded dirt roads, all the way around the lake. FUN times!

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